Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center of El Paso – Tubular Breast Augmentation

Some breasts have a unique tubular shape, which can be easily corrected through tubular breast augmentation. Tubular (also known as tuberous) breasts are usually the results of a congenital defect and result in pseudoherniation of breast tissue that can be remedied with tubular breast surgery.

For people with tuberous breasts, the skin and the inframmary fold (where the skin of your breast and chest meet) are naturally too tight, which restricts the breast’s ability to naturally develop into a round shape. The tight skin also results in enlarged areolas, and increased spacing between breasts. Tubular breast augmentation can correct these issues through nipple reduction, augmentation, and scoring of breast tissue to achieve a natural look and contour.

Details about Tubular Breast Surgery

When you come to our office, we will sit down and discuss your needs and desires for tubular breast surgery. Using computer simulation, we will formulate a tubular breast augmentation plan that is best for you. During surgery, an incision may be made to lower the inframmary crease. Your doctor will then place an implant below the muscle tissue of the breast to allow the tight skin to spread over an implant to take on a more natural shape.

Tubular breast surgery is often performed with general anesthesia, and patients can expect the procedure to take only about three hours. Like any breast augmentation, tubular breast augmentation recovery includes swelling and tenderness of the surgical site, and many patients experience mild fatigue and slight bruising. Each patient is different, so a consultation is necessary to develop a surgical plan that is right for you. For more details about how Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Jabor can help you achieve a more natural contour, contact Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center of El Paso online or call 915-543-5600.

CareCredit® and Prosper are both options for financing your healthcare services. El Paso Plastic Surgery accepts both! Please visit the company websites to learn more.

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At Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, we pride ourselves in the fact that all new consults meet with the surgeon and will be seen by the surgeon from start to finish. Schedule your personalized consultation for any of our cosmetic surgery procedures. Consultation fees are due at the time of scheduling (Dr. Mark Jabor: $200.00; Dr. Dale Reynolds: $200.00; Dr. Jaime Aburto: $150.00) and go toward the cost of any procedure or surgery.

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