Will a Breast Lift Make My Breasts Look Smaller?

Breasts lifts are one of the most common and effective forms of breast surgery women can have today. The results of this surgery can be truly transformative for women who qualify. Yet despite the procedure’s popularity, misconceptions have grown about its benefits. Fueled by media reports, many women have become concerned that a breast lift inevitably produces an undesired consequence — smaller breasts than they initially had. While a breast lift does remove excess skin, fat and tissue to achieve a lifted and perkier breast appearance, the possibility of having smaller breasts after their procedure is one that most women need not worry about. They certainly should not let this concern prevent them from having a breast lift that can improve their overall breast appearance in many ways. A better understanding of the breast lift technique and the results it can produce can help women feel at ease again with exploring and having this very beneficial procedure.

What does a breast lift surgery do?

A breast lift surgery, as its name implies, lifts the breasts to a higher position on the chest wall, restoring a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Breast skin is excised from around the areola or around the areola and lower portion of the breast to tighten breast tissue and eliminate sagging using one of three primary incision techniques. When appropriate, breast tissue and fat can also be excised to eliminate breast laxity, create a more firm breast feel and shape the breasts attractively.

While this surgery provides excellent benefits on its own, one of its advantages is that it can be easily combined with additional surgical techniques, such as breast augmentation, to give women superior results. In fact, these two surgeries are performed together with a high frequency. A breast augmentation complements a breast lift very well because it can restore or enhance breast volume; when combined with the results from a breast lift, women can enjoy comprehensive breast rejuvenation. Your surgeon will recommend the best surgical options to realize your goals.

The Study Behind the Controversy

Women’s concerns about the potential outcome of their breast lift surgery have been on the rise due to a study recently produced by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The group’s study found that, after a breast lift surgery, women’s bra cup sizes decreased when compared to their pre-surgery cup size. In the study, the brand of the bra women wore was taken into account in order to rule out sizing differences between manufacturers. While the study’s findings are clear, the study did not identify or explain the reasons why this size difference occurred. Further, media coverage of the findings — in some cases accurate and in others not — increased the confusion and the fear which many prospective female patients now have.

How will my breasts be different after a breast lift?

A better understanding of what a breast lift does can help answer this question. While it is accurate that a breast lift will remove excess skin, tissue and fat to lift the breasts, the procedure also changes the profile of the breasts after surgery. This change is important to understanding your final results and it also explains why bra cup sizes often change after surgery. Breast tissue is actually repositioned by a breast lift surgery; decreasing the volume in the lower region of the breast while also increasing breast volume in the upper-pole breast region. These results are an outcome of breast lift surgery, whether you have minor or more substantive excision during your surgery.

So will my breasts really be smaller?

A breast lift will reduce the size of a woman’s breasts somewhat but not to the extent widely reported in the media. A more accurate description of the results of a breast lift is that the surgery will positively affect both the position and shape of the breast resulting in a change in breast volume in the lower portion of the breast that is offset with greater volume in the upper breast region. The net result of these changes is that breast volume, overall, decreases only moderately, but women will feel more comfortable wearing smaller bra sizes due to the changed shape and volume of the lower breast. These results confirm the findings of the ASPS report but, more importantly, also provide a more complete explanation of the report’s discoveries. Women can now also enjoy greater peace of mind when considering this procedure and make a more informed choice about the ultimate breast surgery they choose.

How to Get the Results You Want

A breast lift can help many women achieve the cosmetic goals they have for their breasts. However, ensuring the ideal outcome requires much more than merely selecting the right surgery, although that is important, too. Board-certified surgeons Dr. Jabor and Dr. Reynolds of The Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso are uniquely qualified to get you your results. The surgeons have the specialized training, aesthetic eye and surgical experience to deliver their patients their ideal results safely.

Women are able to get the results they want because of the keen interest the doctors have in their patients and the time each invests in them. The doctors are committed to building the trust and personal relationships where clients feel comfortable expressing problems and goals, helping the doctors to devise the precise surgical plan each woman needs. This approach, founded on compassionate care, directly leads to the positive outcomes that lead to long-term satisfaction.

For their commitment to excellence and premium patient care, the doctors have been well-recognized. For example, The Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center has received Black Diamond Status by leading medical device manufacturer Allergan. The award recognizes doctors who have made significant contributions to their field and the wellbeing of their patients. The greatest gauge of a doctor’s success, however, is satisfied patients, and both surgeons can provide ample evidence of past surgeries that have improved the lives of their clients significantly.

Call the Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso now for your breast lift consultation!

A breast lift can give you just the boost to your look and confidence that you have been seeking. The procedure can be truly transformative when performed correctly and with keen attention to your personality and overall look. However, all patients expect results with safety. You can have both along with long-lasting results that reveal your real personality at The Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso.

You can reach our qualified doctors at either of our two convenient locations — in East El Paso at 915-855-7800 and in West El Paso at 915-543-5600. We hope to see you soon and help you look your absolute best!

CareCredit® and Prosper are both options for financing your healthcare services. El Paso Plastic Surgery accepts both! Please visit the company websites to learn more.

See If You Qualify

Request A Consultation

At Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, we pride ourselves in the fact that all new consults meet with the surgeon and will be seen by the surgeon from start to finish. Schedule your personalized consultation for any of our cosmetic surgery procedures. Consultation fees are due at the time of scheduling (Dr. Mark Jabor: $200.00; Dr. Dale Reynolds: $200.00; Dr. Jaime Aburto: $150.00) and go toward the cost of any procedure or surgery.

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