Facelift in El Paso, Texas

As people age, the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun and the stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. Deep creases form between the nose and mouth, the jawline grows slack and jowly and folds and fat deposits appear around the neck. The goal of a facelift or non-surgical facial rejuvenation is to improve the overall appearance of these signs of aging on the face, jaw and neck, including wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. Facelift surgery is able to address more extensive concerns and delivers long-lasting results, but requires time spent in surgery and recovery. On the other hand, facial rejuvenation through injectables like Botox is one of the largest growing markets in cosmetics — these treatments don’t require surgery or recovery time and can be very effective in treating limited concerns.

Facelift Surgery in El Paso

Facelift surgery, also called a rhytidectomy, does not truly stop the aging process. What it can do, however, is “set back the clock,” improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles and re-draping the skin of your face and neck. When done correctly, patients can expect to look about 10-15 years younger with a natural result. While you can expect your initial results to last between five and ten years, you can continue to look younger than your age by taking good care of your skin and avoiding sun exposure. A facelift can be done alone or in conjunction with other procedures, such as a neck lift, forehead lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or nose surgery (rhinoplasty). At the Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Centers of El Paso, the majority of our surgical facelifts are outpatient procedures performed at our state-of-the-art facilities with local anesthesia, eliminating the need for general anesthesia or IV sedation. You will be able to discuss your surgical options with your surgeon during your consultation.

Non-Surgical Facelift in El Paso

Using injectable treatments like Botox, expert plastic surgeons like our team at the Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center of El Paso are often able to mimic the results of a facelift surgery for the right client. The appeal of using injectable treatments is that they are more cost-effective, they are non-invasive, you can see your results more quickly and they do not require any recovery time. The downside is that the results do not last as long — Botox typically wears off after three or four months, at which point you would need to schedule another session to keep your face looking younger. However, for many people, regular visits to their Botox provider are preferable to undergoing a full surgical facelift.

Who is the Ideal Facelift Candidate?

Men and women alike benefit from facelift procedures. Facelifts for men in particular have rapidly increased in the last few years, and for good reason. A facelift — both surgical and non-surgical — can erase the signs of aging and promote a younger and more rejuvenated appearance.

Each patient is different and has unique skin and cosmetic goals. Ideally, a patient undergoing a facelift surgery will be healthy overall and able to heal and recover from an invasive procedure. Surprisingly, the age of the patient is less relevant than their skin elasticity and overall health. A surgical facelift might be right for you if you are experiencing deep wrinkles on the forehead or around the mouth and chin, sagging skin on your cheeks or drooping, heavy jowls.

If your concerns are more limited — for example, a drooping brow or fine lines around the eyes — you may be able to achieve your goals with non-invasive procedures like Botox, especially with a combination of other non-surgical options like fillers, chemical peels and laser resurfacing. These procedures can considerably reduce the appearance of wrinkles and release facial muscle tension that might be causing skin to pucker or your brows to be drawn downward.

Types of Facelift Surgeries

If a surgical facelift might be right for you, your next step is to determine what kind of facelift will make the most sense for your needs and your timeline. There are a few different options that can address different concerns, some of which are relatively less invasive or require less recovery time.

Traditional or Full Facelift

A full facelift is the most comprehensive facelift procedure, as it allows the doctor to address essentially the entire face. This kind of facelift targets any sagging, wrinkles, or excess fat on the brow, midface, jaw or neck region. This is typically the most popular kind of face lift among patients over 50 years old.

Mid-Face Lift

During this procedure, the doctor typically can lift and tighten tissues below the eyes and around the cheeks. This procedure gives your surgeon more access to certain facial features and muscles, allowing for more detail in the midface than a traditional facelift can achieve. This is often the ideal surgery for patients, both men and women, in their 30s and 40s who hope to rejuvenate their appearance.

Mini Facelift

This procedure usually involves smaller incisions and a shorter recovery period, and is sometimes referred to as a “weekend facelift” — though it can take up to a week before you feel able to return to work or daily activities. This surgery targets a smaller area, usually the jaw, lower cheeks and neck. This is also common among younger patients.

Lower Facelift

As its name suggests, this surgery specifically targets the bottom third of the face. It is a great option for patients seeking to lift the corners of the mouth and enhance the jaw. This treatment is suitable for all ages and creates a more youthful look.

Types of Non-Surgical Facelifts

Non-surgical facelifts most commonly begin with the injectable anti-aging treatment Botox, or another brand name of the same substance such as Dysport or Xeomin. These treatments relax muscles in your face that may become overworked over time — for example, frown lines or worry lines that appear when you furrow your brow or squint without thinking. When these muscles become too tense, they cause signs of aging like deep wrinkles as well as the illusion of a more tired or worried expression even if you feel like you are relaxing your face. Treating them with Botox can take years off your face and restore a lifted, more open expression. Some clients also choose to add dermal fillers to help with areas of sagging skin. These treatments cannot work as extensively as a facelift, and are most suitable for younger clients whose facial aging is in the early stages or is not severe.

Facelift Procedures with Experienced Providers in El Paso

At the Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center of El Paso, We offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical services to give you the best results possible. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our facial rejuvenation experts, Dr. Jabor and Dr. Reynolds, who can help you find out if injections, a surgical facelift or a different cosmetic treatment might be right for you. During this in-person meeting, we will formulate a plan personalized to your needs and your skin. For more information about facelift procedures in El Paso, Texas, schedule a consultation today at our Westside by calling 915-543-5600 or our Eastside office at 915-855-7800. 

dr dale reynolds

CareCredit® and Prosper are both options for financing your healthcare services. El Paso Plastic Surgery accepts both! Please visit the company websites to learn more.

Request A Consultation

At Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, we pride ourselves in the fact that all new consults meet with the surgeon and will be seen by the surgeon from start to finish. Schedule your personalized consultation for any of our cosmetic surgery procedures. Consultation fees are due at the time of scheduling (Dr. Mark Jabor: $200.00; Dr. Dale Reynolds: $200.00; Dr. Jaime Aburto: $150.00) and go toward the cost of any procedure or surgery.

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