What Are The Challenges of Breast Revision Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgeries often fulfill their promise of providing women with a substantially improved appearance that helps them fully express their femininity. Most women can have a single, safe surgery that provides long-lasting results. The outcome of a breast augmentation surgery does more than improve a woman’s physical concerns; it can also restore women’s comfort, confidence and wellbeing. Unfortunately, there are also cases where, for a variety of reasons, the results of surgery fall short of a patient’s expectations. Perhaps scar tissue has developed and become painful, or the surgeon did not deliver the look the patient desired. Women may even realize, after surgery, that they would have been much happier with larger implants.

Breast revision surgery can address many of the problems which have prevented women from deriving all the benefit of their initial surgery. A successful outcome is possible from a second surgery despite the fact that revision surgeries are more difficult in almost all cases. Women who seek out board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in this procedure will be more likely to obtain their desired improvements than those who have surgery performed by a less-experienced doctor. Understanding what to look for when considering your breast revision surgery can play a crucial role in choosing the right surgeon and putting your problems behind you for good.

What makes breast revision surgery so challenging?

Since breast implant devices do not have an unlimited lifespan, a second surgery may be in store for women who had a successful surgery and positive, long-term results. However, women can delay replacing their implants if they are not experiencing any health problems and the implants remain functional. For some women, however, a breast revision is necessary to resolve problems which may be affecting her daily happiness.

Natural changes in breast tissue, skin and muscle

Our bodies are continually changing due to a variety of factors, including aging and the environment. Over time, women may notice changes occurring in the breasts, even if they had a successful breast augmentation, that negatively impact the way their breasts look. For example, pregnancy, breastfeeding and rapid weight loss or weight gain can all stretch the delicate skin and muscles of the breasts, leading to sagging and drooping. Pregnancy can also change breast tissue itself, changing the results of your surgery.

Breast tissue laxity was probably not a concern during your initial surgery, in part, because the breast implants themselves will have contributed to these changes in your breasts over time. A qualified breast revision surgeon, to provide satisfying results, must have experience dealing with these natural changes in your breasts to provide you with the effective results you’re looking for. A surgeon with ample experience performing breast lifts as well as breast revision surgery can increase your chances of having an attractive breast appearance after surgery.

Scar Tissue

Unfortunately, in some cases, scar tissue can develop around breasts implants after they have been inserted into the breast pocket, a problem known as capsular contracture. This condition can affect your results and cause daily discomfort, which must be addressed. The appearance of these symptoms also makes breast revision surgery uniquely challenging. Before new implants can be inserted, your board-certified plastic surgeon will need to eliminate this scar tissue and ensure that you have a healthy breast pocket to receive your new implants.

Dealing with these problems effectively requires special surgical skills. Further complicating matters, your board-certified plastic surgeon will not know the full extent of these issues until he can see these problems directly. As a result, he or she will need to be exceptionally well-prepared so they can identify and resolve problems quickly, immediately after making the initial incision. A history of successful prior surgeries is essential for patients to gauge their surgeon’s ability and verify that they will be in good hands when they have their own procedure.

Fears About Your Results

Naturally, many women who had problems with their initial surgery or felt that it didn’t live up to their expectations may find it difficult to believe that a second surgery can deliver their results. They may delay a second surgery for these reasons, prolonging their discomfort and dissatisfaction, or have unreasonable expectations about the results another surgery should produce. While a breast revision surgery, like breast reconstruction, can give most women dramatic results, the surgery may not be able to correct all of a patient’s problems.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon will give you ample, fact-based information during your consultation, so you have full knowledge of the benefits and limits of your surgical treatment. While you can expect that most of your issues will be improved, your surgeon can share with you his assessment of any potential problems he expects to find before your surgery and how this might affect your results. The surgeon you choose should know what issues to expect beforehand and demonstrate his understanding of how to deal with them, giving you the utmost confidence and the highest likelihood of success.

Will I really get the results I deserve this time?

Yes, a breast revision surgery can give most patients the results that eluded them during their initial surgery — however, only if they select a highly-qualified board-certified plastic surgeon who can demonstrate ample experience and expertise with breast revision surgeries. It is paramount that potential patients arrive at their consultation prepared to discuss their concerns openly and equipped with specific questions for their surgeon about their background and surgical philosophy. For example, a well-qualified surgeon who does not agree with your final look is unlikely to give you the results you want. A surgeon who fully understands your aesthetic vision supports your surgical goals and uses proven, well-understood techniques can give you an outstanding breast appearance that will last.

The Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso can get you the results you want! A breast revision surgery can give most women satisfying improvements, confidence and a new way to express their femininity. When you select a board-certified plastic surgeon who understands a woman’s anatomy and is committed to enhancing your look and bringing out your best, you can look fabulous no matter what prior experience you may have had. When you choose the breast surgery experts at The Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, you can also have complete assurance of having a state-of-the-art and safe surgery.

Call 915-543-5600 today to set-up an appointment at either one of our two convenient locations in East and West El Paso. We look forward to the opportunity of helping you finally achieve the look you want.

CareCredit® and Prosper are both options for financing your healthcare services. El Paso Plastic Surgery accepts both! Please visit the company websites to learn more.

Request A Consultation

At Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, we pride ourselves in the fact that all new consults meet with the surgeon and will be seen by the surgeon from start to finish. Schedule your personalized consultation for any of our cosmetic surgery procedures. Consultation fees are due at the time of scheduling (Dr. Mark Jabor: $200.00; Dr. Dale Reynolds: $200.00; Dr. Jaime Aburto: $150.00) and go toward the cost of any procedure or surgery.

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