Whether you’ve undergone bariatric surgery or initiated a lifestyle change on your own, massive weight loss is a major achievement. Unfortunately, many people who have gone through the process are disappointed with their final results. Months or even years of an improved diet and exercise regimen have made them stronger and healthier, yet excess skin hides their new and improved body. Plastic surgery is the only means to remove excess skin to increase mobility, boost confidence, and reveal the stronger person you’ve become. Below are a few things you can expect with body contouring procedures at Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso.
Nutrition Is Important for Fast Healing
Proper nutrition is important for fast healing, especially for those who have had bariatric surgery. In order to build scar tissue and accelerate healing, your body must produce collagen, a substance made primarily of protein strands. With a small stomach, bariatric patients must take every opportunity to meet their unique protein requirements. If there is a deficiency, they may experience wound separation, slow healing, and wider scars than they anticipated. Based on the type of bariatric surgery you had, along with several other factors, your surgeon will recommend the amount of protein you should eat.
Maintaining Your Weight Maintains Results
Before body lift surgery, it is recommended that you maintain your weight for several months. This is to help ensure that you can keep up with your new lifestyle and keep the weight off after body lift surgery. Gaining weight will not necessarily undo the results of your surgery since your physical shape will have improved, but it can definitely make a noticeable difference if you gain a significant amount. Losing weight after surgery can result in more loose skin, which is why patients are encouraged to be at or near their goal weight before a body lift. Building muscle after you have healed is a great way to improve your results and give your body an even more balanced shape.
A Breast Augmentation May Enhance Your Results
Many female post-bariatric patients desire a breast lift because of significant volume loss and sagging skin. Since these women often have stretched and weakened breast tissue as well, the result from a breast lift may not give them the round, youthful shape they desire. Dr. Jabor or Dr. Reynolds can help you decide if a breast augmentation along with a breast lift will meet your needs.
If you are interested in body contouring procedures at Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, Dr. Jabor or Dr. Reynolds would be happy to schedule a consultation with you at either of our locations. Call our Westside office at (915) 543-5600 or our Eastside office at (915) 855-7800. For your convenience, you may also fill out our online contact form.