How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Everyone wants one – a curvy, shapely buttock. In today’s world, having a bum that is voluptuous and defined by curves has become the standard for beauty. A larger buttock can alter your entire appearance by giving you an hourglass shape. Your thighs seem thinner, your hips more feminine and your waistline more defined. Attaining such a bum, however, requires a lot of work. And, of course, it shouldn’t be forgotten, various factors can affect the way your butt appears. The buttock is notorious for being prone to sagging, and for relieving it of such requires many hours of squats to strengthen the gluteus muscles. For some, no matter how many squats are performed, attaining a larger booty is challenging to do as their genetic makeup can make their butt remain disappointingly flat.

A curvy, shapely buttock is desirable, given these modern times and what has become today’s beauty standard. That’s why Brazilian butt lift (BBL), a procedure that lifts and sculpts the bum into a beautiful image, has become an increasingly popular treatment. The treatment is long-lasting, producing a curvy image that you’re sure to be confident about for many years.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, also known as butt augmentation, is a procedure that utilizes your fat to enhance and add shape to your buttock. This fat comes from other parts of your body and is injected into your buttock to add volume instantly. The treatment essentially involves three steps: fat extraction, processing and injection.


Your BBL begins with extracting excess fat from a donor site on your body. Excess fat usually comes from areas where it isn’t desirable to have, such as the abdomen, hips or back. This part of the process involves using minimally invasive liposuction techniques. A small cannula is inserted into an incision made on the donor site, which then extracts fat that will be processed for injection. During the extraction phase, whichever part of your body has fat extracted can also become more contoured. Your buttock may also be shaped and contoured via liposuction before fat injection to ensure your bum attains a flattering shape.


During the processing phase, your extracted fat is cleansed and purified of excess fluids and tissues. Your fat may be placed into a centrifuge. This device spins rapidly to separate its contents from any impurities. Or your fat may be washed with specialized solutions that remove excess fluids and tissues. The processing phase ensures your BBL is safe and minimizes the risk of complications.


Once your fat has been thoroughly purified, it is placed into a syringe for injection. Small incisions are made on your buttock where the fat injections would be most beneficial. Through these incisions, the fat is injected into the layer between your skin and gluteal muscles. Injecting the fat into this area is a proven method that is safe and allows for long-lasting results. The number of injections you receive depends on your desired results.

What Is the Recovery Process Like for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Recovering from a BBL can take anywhere from three to six weeks. Given where the procedure takes place, it can take some time until swelling in the treatment site completely subsides. You will be given detailed post-operative instructions that will provide you with helpful advice to ensure your recovery is smooth and to lessen swelling. A compression garment may be provided that should only be worn on the site of your incisions.

Your butt will be visibly larger after a BBL, but this will not be your final results. Your butt may appear too large due to swelling. It will take some time for your transferred fat cells to take shape and for your final results to be realized. Usually, it takes a few months for the buttock to adjust fully.

Will My Results Be Permanent?

Your BBL results can potentially be permanent. Some of the fat injected into your buttock will be absorbed by your body, but the majority will remain. Your results may be altered slightly due to this fat cell absorption, but the added volume will stay in place. For this reason, fat transfer procedures are generally considered a permanent means for altering the body. Your BBL results will be permanent, so long as you maintain them.

What Can I Do to Maintain My Results?

Maintaining your results will take a bit of effort, but it will be worth it in the long run. Having a gorgeous booty after recovering from your BBL and keeping it that way is entirely possible. The key to maintaining your results is dependent on maintaining a healthy weight. Weight fluctuations, gaining or losing weight, can potentially cause sagging to reappear. Eating a well-rounded diet can not only keep your booty results consistent but can improve your overall well-being, physically and mentally. As well, as may be obvious, exercise is crucial for maintaining your BBL results. While doing squats may have been daunting before undergoing a BBL, doing them afterward can be more comfortable. Now, you’ll have a bum worthy of flaunting at the gym.

Achieve a Beautiful Bum In El Paso, Texas

Brazilian butt lift is a minimally invasive procedure that is an excellent way to give your body a more curvy figure. Big, beautiful bums are becoming the standard for beauty in today’s world – by having a BBL, you too can have one. The procedure produces long-lasting results that can be permanent so long as you maintain it. If you are a resident of El Paso, TX, or surrounding communities and are interested in learning more about a BBL and how it can transform your figure, please consider scheduling a consultation at Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso. Our surgeons, Dr. Mark A. Jabor and Dr. R Dale Reynolds, are well-versed in performing BBLs and will ensure your procedure is a success, producing long-lasting results.

Please schedule a consultation by calling our West Office at 915-543-5600 or our East Office at 915-855-7800 or visiting our contact page.

CareCredit® and Prosper are both options for financing your healthcare services. El Paso Plastic Surgery accepts both! Please visit the company websites to learn more.

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At Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centers of El Paso, we pride ourselves in the fact that all new consults meet with the surgeon and will be seen by the surgeon from start to finish. Schedule your personalized consultation for any of our cosmetic surgery procedures. Consultation fees are due at the time of scheduling (Dr. Mark Jabor: $200.00; Dr. Dale Reynolds: $200.00; Dr. Jaime Aburto: $150.00) and go toward the cost of any procedure or surgery.

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